Saturday, August 06, 2005
Brilliant animated feature by Bill Plympton. I think this is the first thing I've seen by him, and I really enjoyed it - it's an American High School Prom story about love, using impressive angles and distortions to represent scenes. Great way to start the second last day of MIFF
Another good 'un. Ever since seeing Laura Linney in 'You Can Count on Me', I've been hooked on her. YCCOM is one of my all-time favourite films, btw, so if you havent seen it, check it out. Topher (That 70s show guy) also put in a good performance. Anyway this story had interesting characters and while things appear to have all worked out for the main characters a little easier than they probably would in real life I found the film entertaining and definitely worth the time.
A documentary about southern folk who race stock cars on a dirt speedway. As can be expected half of them are missing teeth, one can't read, and more than a reasonable number of people have concerns with a woman driving in the competition. It's worth a watch I guess, but really, we know there's a lot of rednecks in Texas, and laughing at them only lasts so long. It was also quite similar to another MIFF film I saw last year about smash up derby racers. Wait for it on TV.
An important film that tries to give a perspective on suicide bombers. I didn't really enjoy it that much because I just can't grasp how people can have so much faith in their religions that they really believe that killing themselves and taking others with them is a way forward. This film does try to point this out as well, but all in all, it's frustrating to see how people (on both sides) are living in poverty and/or fear because of this. So, yes, this is an important film and reasonably unbiased film, which is well made and well acted, but don't expect to walk out feeling good afterwards.